Dog guide

In our dog guide dog lovers will find all the important topics and useful tips on keeping a dog:

Dog guide
Puppies: Puppy(s) in the basket

A puppy moves in: what should be considered

The time has come: The day of pick-up is set, your little puppy will soon move in with you. What do you have to consider now?

Buying a dog: Welfare dog vs. breeder

Buying a dog: Welfare dog vs. breeder

First of all, congratulations on your decision to offer a new home to a furry little thing! You now not only have a big responsibility, but also a turbulent life full of surprises, with lots of exercise and plenty of…

Puppy or older dog

Puppy or older dog: advantages and disadvantages

Puppy, young dog or an already adult furry nose - what suits you best? This is not a decision to be made lightly. Here is some food for thought to help you decide.

Getting a dog: 10 questions before buying a dog

Getting a dog: 10 questions before buying a dog

Take enough time for your decision and let it mature. Ask dog owners in your circle of friends and relatives about the possibility of taking their dog into care for a few days to help you make a practical decision.

Reasons for a dog

5 good reasons for having a dog as a pet

There are many good reasons to get a dog. No matter whether you simply want to use your dog as a family dog, a sports dog or a working dog - he will always be a loyal companion.

tips for relaxation

Time with your pet - 5 tips for relaxation

Treat yourself and your furball to some time out and enjoy pure relaxation together. Not only you will benefit from the relaxing hours, but also your dog or cat will thank you for it.

intelligence toys

Time with your dog - intelligence toys

If the weather doesn't invite you to go for a long walk, you can make the most of your faithful four-legged friend with a little mental effort. Today we present 3 ideas how you can keep your dog busy with indoor nose…

teach a dog to make a roll

Time with your dog - learning to roll over

Today we'll show you how to expand your repertoire of dog tricks: With the command "Roll!" you animate your faithful dog to turn once around himself sideways.

dog massage

Time with your dog - Dog massage to relax

You wish yourself and your pet time for relaxation and attention? Here come our 6 massage techniques, which not only strengthen the trust between you and your pet and your bond, but also have a positive effect on your…
