The journey begins...
Last October, the young adventurers and world explorers Lisa and Silvio from Friedrichshafen in southern Germany embarked on an exciting adventure that demanded a great deal of planning and meticulous preparation. In contrast to the young couple's previous trips to Australia and New Zealand, this time Australian Cattle Dog bitch Freya is also a lively four-legged friend. The »travelling home« of the trio is a Magirus Deutz 90 D 5,2 from 1977, which Lisa and Silvio have rebuilt with a lot of passion and shipped from Hamburg to Halifax for the »discovery of Canada«.
Vanlife - that means, besides the feeling of freedom, also the restriction to the essential, because space is rare »on board«. What should not be missing are high-quality and durable products for bitch Freya - and the dedicated team of HUNTER was happy to provide them. From now on you can find out regularly here in the magazine how Lisa, Silvio and Freya are doing in Canada and what ups and downs they are going through together. Let yourself be carried away into the vanlife world of this extraordinary trio... and maybe you will soon get the travel bug too!
Lisa writes: The journey begins...
»We have now been on the road with our motor home since October 16th. Freya survived the flight from Frankfurt to Halifax on October 10th, but is happy to have solid ground under her feet again. Our first itinerary takes us from Halifax to Cape Breton National Park. Freya still has to get used to her new life as a »Vandog« - but so far she likes it very much! She can wake up on a different beach almost every morning - which is great - because she loves to play in the sand and swim in the water. Even in cold temperatures! But you can't let her run around here without a leash, because there are strict rules about this. Because of the coyotes, bears and moose she has to stay on a leash most of the time. She really enjoys being with us 24/7 and discovering this great country with us.«