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12 months Canada

Lisa writes:

»Wow, we have been in Canada for almost 1 year now - time is running out! This month was very busy for us: Silvio and I quietly and secretly said yes to each other - Freya of course knew about it and was there too - but we surprised friends and family in Germany with this. Afterwards we went to Cape Breton National Park in the north of Nova Scotia for a week. Besides many day hikes we also had a 2-day hike with backpack and tent. Really a unique experience. One week later we went to the Kejimkujik National Park.

We had already booked the canoe trip to a lonely island a while ago and finally it was time to go! With all the luggage and Freya in the canoe we could start. Freya wasn't very enthusiastic about the canoe trip at first - the lake was very rough and so we had a good time rocking around in the canoe... We didn't find our island at first go and so we were on the lake for a good hour longer than planned. But after about 2 hours we discovered our island. Not only Freya, but also we were relieved.

You have the island all to yourself. We pitched our tent and made a campfire. For Freya there is a chewing bone. At night it is quiet as a mouse. Only here and there you hear a rustling. The next morning the sun wakes the three of us up and on a calm sea we go back by canoe. This time Freya is more relaxed and can enjoy the trip. What a great experience. We will be planning another trip like this next year, that's for sure.«
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