Time with your dog - learning to roll over
How to teach a dog to make a roll
Today we'll show you how to expand your repertoire of dog tricks: With the command "Roll!" you animate your faithful dog to turn once around himself sideways. We will show you step by step how to practise the trick and make a lasting impression.
You need that:
- Treats
- Patience and willingness to practice
Teaching the dog trick roll - how it works
The "roll" trick is one of the most demanding dog tricks, so you should always keep an eye on how your dog is feeling and base your training on this. Have some treats ready and you're ready to go.
1. Practice step: teach your dog to lie on his side
The dog should now, starting from the rehearsed side position, turn to the other side. He already knows your hand movement with the treat and will follow your hand plus treat even when continuing the exercise. Hold the treat in front of his nose and turn your hand past his muzzle to his back until he has to turn his body completely to be able to follow your hand.
Some dogs do this best with a bit of drive. The best way for your dog to achieve this is to push its paws slightly away from your arm. This slight counter-pressure is enough for enough momentum to turn the hips. Once your dog has managed the turn, he will receive the treat he has so painstakingly earned.
2. Practice step: Roll to the other side
The dog should now, starting from the rehearsed side position, turn to the other side. He already knows your hand movement with the treat and will follow your hand plus treat even when continuing the exercise. Hold the treat in front of his nose and turn your hand past his muzzle to his back until he has to turn his body completely to be able to follow your hand.
Some dogs do this best with a bit of drive. The best way for your dog to achieve this is to push its paws slightly away from your arm. This slight counter-pressure is enough for enough momentum to turn the hips. Once your dog has managed the turn, he will receive the treat he has so painstakingly earned.

3. Practice step: Teach the command "Roll"!
Once your dog has internalised the movement, when you perform the characteristic hand movement including treats, you can now link the exercise with the appropriate command "Roll!". Say the command clearly and accompany your hand movement with it. Your dog will soon understand that command, movement and a seductive treat belong together.
Our tip: Don't give up, practice makes perfect! If your dog hasn't understood what you want him to do yet, you might want to vary your hand movement.
We are curious: Do you have any tips on how to teach a dog to roll?