Homeoffice Nicole Paula Gismo

From the home office: Nicole with Paula & Gismo

Good morning, dears,

there is room even in the smallest cabin - therefore I would like to report from my idyllic home office and greet all »fellow inmates« and »lonely, isolated creatures« who are still everyday on their way to their workplaces.

Home office, I thought until a few weeks ago, would be great. I would never have thought that such a project would be so extensive and fast, especially for so many people.

So here I am now, sitting in the middle of nature in a small forest hut with a wonderful view over the fields, and can calmly pursue my work in content marketing. It's incredible how concentrated and motivated you can work here. Thanks to today's technology, you can communicate with the outside world better than expected and the total isolation has no chance :) .

The only distractions I enjoy here are my mixed-breed dog Paula and my cheeky tomcat Gismo. While Paula misses her mates in the office very much and hangs around here mostly sleeping on the couch, Gismo thinks the state of emergency is great! Nevertheless, my mistress can still be woken up early in the morning with a lot of mewling and stomping and is even there all day long to function as a door or can opener depending on the cat's needs. Cats have just no further worries ;) . Paula's highlights are the restful walkies in the breaks. Enough time to power up and get ready for the next few hours of sleep. Thanks to the saved driving time (no driving back and forth to the workplace!), we roam extensively through the forest after work and let the day end.

For me personally, besides the daily negative headlines, there are also positive side effects of the corona crisis. The sky alone is bluer than it has been for a long time and the air we breathe seems cleaner. Even your own biological footprint is positively influenced by the strict car abandonment. Here you should stick to it or at least in the time »after corona« think more consciously and decide whether you want and have to drive or if there are also good alternatives that you can use. But still: To see my friends, relatives and of course my dear colleagues again soon personally would be simply fantastic!

In that sense, please stay@home and stay healthy!

Your Nicole (E-Commerce | Content Marketing Manager)

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