
Dental care for dogs

Dental care for dogs: Tips & tricks for healthy dog teeth Therefore important What helps? How to brush your teeth

Healthy teeth are essential for a happy dog's life. Without dog teeth, your pet would not be able to eat food and would also be limited in other ways: whether balls, sticks or the favourite cuddly toy, whether for playing or exploring the world - dogs explore everything with their teeth. We explain how to support your four-legged friend's oral hygiene and how to take the right approach to dental care.

Regular dental care for dogs: why it is important

If you don't clean your furry friend's teeth thoroughly, it will have consequences for his gums and teeth. If you notice deposits on your pet's teeth, you need to act quickly to prevent them from developing into severe gum problems that are very painful for your dog. This is because dental deposits are precursors of:

  • Plaque:

Plaque is caused by food debris or other foreign objects in the mouth. In combination with the dog's saliva, plaque forms in the form of a white film on the teeth. In the early stages, the plaque does not adhere strongly to the dog's teeth. It can be easily removed by brushing.

  • Tartar:
If plaque is not removed, it develops into a solid substance in the form of tartar. Tartar encourages bacteria to settle on the gums. The deposits can cause gingivitis, bad breath and dental problems.
  • Caries:

If there are bacteria in the plaque, acids can develop that can trigger caries. In caries, the enamel is decalcified and the bone-like substance dentin is attacked, causing holes in the tooth. These can lead to inflammation in the tooth, which can spread through the gums, or in the worst case to tooth loss in your four-legged friend.

  • Periodontitis:

If gingivitis is not treated in your four-legged friend, periodontitis can develop, which attacks the teeth of your furry friend. If the dog's teeth are already severely affected by periodontitis, teeth can become loose. This can even lead to tooth loss.

At the first sign of inflammation in your dog's mouth, you should consult a vet. This is because severe damage to the teeth cannot be reversed. The vet can then only perform a professional dental cleaning and remove diseased teeth. In order to avoid severe dental disease and tooth loss in your pet or to treat it in time, regular dental check-ups are important in addition to dental hygiene.

Our tip: Did you know? Dogs that get plenty of exercise are less likely to suffer from periodontitis and tooth decay. This is because exercise promotes saliva production and saliva has a natural tooth-cleaning function.

Dental care for dogs: What really helps?

As a dog owner, you should pay attention to regular dental care for your fluffy darling in order to spare him severe pain from periodontitis or caries. There are breeds that are particularly at risk for such diseases. This applies to all dogs whose teeth are shortened: especially dogs with a short muzzle like the pug or the french bulldog. Because the dentition is too small for the large number of teeth, malocclusions can occur, which in turn prevent their self-cleaning process. There are dental care products and tricks that can help you prevent your four-legged friend from developing dental diseases.

  • Dog toothbrushes: Unusual but effective - there are special dog toothbrushes that you can use to scrub your pet's teeth. You can make brushing your dog's teeth just as much a ritual as brushing your own. By the way: brushing your dog's teeth is the most effective method of dental care for your four-legged friend.
  • Chewing articles: Chewing helps! Just like exercise, chewing increases saliva production, which protects the gums. Robust chews that your dog can gnaw on for a long time are coffee wood, which is also suitable for puppies in their teething period, and bones, for example from beef. There are also various products with a dental care effect. The active ingredients in the dental care sticks or chew sticks ensure that the teeth are cleaned and reduce the formation of tartar and plaque.
  • Dental spray for dogs: If your dog cannot get used to brushing his teeth, dental spray is the ideal alternative for your pet. Simply spray the spray into his mouth and onto his teeth after meals. It is also a good solution against bad breath.
  • Dental care via food: Even if you feed your fur friend dry food, the risk of tartar is lower. This is because your dog chews more, which promotes tooth wear. Fewer deposits remain on the teeth and oral health improves.

Instructions for brushing your dog's teeth

The most effective way to prevent plaque in dogs, as in humans, is to brush their teeth. Since plaque can turn into tartar after only a few days, you should clean your dog's teeth daily. The procedure will be easier if it becomes a regular ritual. Our 3 tricks will make brushing your dog's teeth easier.

  • If you have a puppy, introduce brushing when it is still a puppy. The sooner your four-legged friend gets used to it, the easier it will be for both of you in the future. But don't worry - you can also teach an older dog to brush its teeth. You just need a little more patience.
  • Use a toothpaste with a flavour your pet particularly likes. Not all dogs like mint - but many will enjoy having their teeth brushed with a liverwurst-flavoured toothpaste.
  • If you still can't get your pet used to the toothbrush after many attempts, you can use a fingerstall. Direct contact with you may make it easier for your pet to allow you to brush his teeth.

With our step-by-step guide, you and your furry friend can brush your teeth:

1. Get your dog used to checking his teeth:

First of all, familiarise your dog with the fact that you are touching his mouth. A signal word will make it easier for you to do this - your fluffy darling will know when it's time and won't get scared. If he lets you do this without any problems, you can pull up his lips and touch him on the gums and teeth. Reward him verbally for every touch he allows.

2. Familiarise the dog with toothpaste:

In the beginning, offer your dog the toothpaste to try without brushing her teeth with it. Let her get used to the taste and consistency. If she likes licking the toothpaste off your finger, you can move on to the next step. If you have the feeling that your four-legged friend doesn't like it, choose another type.

3. Put toothpaste in the mouth:

Now you can spread the toothpaste on your finger, lift your dog's lips and run your finger along the outside of his teeth. If he lets you, you can open his mouth and slowly do the same on the inside up to his cheek teeth. Again, praise him extensively with your voice. Pay attention to your pet's body language! Only go as far into the mouth as is comfortable for him. You can also spread the procedure over several days to make it easier for your pet to get used to it.

4. Get to know the toothbrush:

Now you can spread toothpaste on a dog toothbrush. Let your dog just sniff it at first. If he feels like it, he can lick the toothpaste off. Once he is familiar with the toothbrush, you can try brushing the outside of the teeth first and then, after he gets used to it, the inside. Please always brush gently and with little pressure! By the way: Brushing the outside of the dog's teeth is especially important. If he doesn't allow you to brush on the inside, that's okay. You should never force your dog to brush, because your furry friend should enjoy brushing.

5. Daily routine:

If you clean your dog's teeth every day, you will promote his dental health and save him from unpleasant toothaches. If a dental check-up by the vet is still necessary, the familiar procedure will make it easy for your dog.

Conclusion: Dental care for your four-legged friend is the cornerstone of a healthy life. Daily teeth cleaning reduces the risk of tartar build-up and protects your pet from mouth infections and diseases. Ideally, you should clean your dog's teeth with a toothbrush and toothpaste that your dog likes. After all, your pet should look forward to brushing his teeth. What experiences have you had with your furry friend's dental care? Were there any difficulties and how did you manage them? We are looking forward to hearing your toothbrushing stories.

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